Thus far the studio in its empty uninhabited state has no name... that shall change in time.
For now though let me show you my new lair.
Upon walking in you are greeted by... nothing. However I should mention a board used for cutting was left behind on the desk... which should come in handy. The big white squares attached to the walls are also great for putting up push pin idea boards!
To the right of the door we have the living area... or so it was. I'm told that many grad students spend so much time in their studios many of them have mini fridges, kitchenette like setups and something to sleep on! Who needs to pay rent right?
I have my own private little dark room with some shelving spaces. Now I just need my own enlarger or light box (i'd prefer a light box). This little dark room has been made light tight by previous tenants and there are also some safety lights ect left behind!
Speaking of goodies left behind...
I was left a huge old TV which I conveniently lugged out to the hall for someone else to pick up! Also some screens for the windows I'm guessing, a box with wires and some chemicals for processing that might be too old to use... I'm not sure they are safe!
However the best left behind gift is the fruit loops box...
Oh and I have a pretty good view which is a nice change from the basements they usually lock us photo kids up into!
On the downside being a grad student/TA gives me the responsibility of carrying 8 more keys for all the different labs ect. So far they have given me six of them. I may need to start carrying two different key chains because this isn't working so well.
I'm not a janitor and who else honestly carries 14 keys?
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