As I promised here is a post about my latest work I just submitted to a contest.
These are all done with my wonderful Toy Diana F+ with the Instant back!
Before we get to the goodies though I want to show of the tools!
The wonderful film that has exploded on the american market finally!
Look it even has instructions on it!!!
This is the lovely that spits out jems!
The little round bubble on the right that has yellow in it means the film is loaded... make sure the switch is clicked over to on or it wont work. The little blue bubble on the left lit up shows it is on and how many shots you've taken. By the way the blue rimmed button on the left is what you press after taking the shot inorder to process the film and have it come out on the side.
The film processes out like this. The first one is blank like this as a protection slide. The rest come out white at first as the image slowly appears.
Just a side shot showing the instant back attachment and a front beauty shot.

I like to lay everything out first when going through my images. I knew many of these would get cut quickly but I think comparison is key when having to choose the top five images!
Nathan helped me out choosing images which is always a help because as the photographer I find myself biased!
So here are my beauties... out of 40 slides these are my top 5 that I am seriously proud of.
Please tell me what you think!
Slide Along
Storage Shed
The Back Acre
The Gully
Now the shame in this is that I submitted a great artist statement and didn't save it. Currently I am not happy with how I have tried to recreate it so I bid you adue for now. I will let you know when I have refinished the statement for now I will leave you with this. When we return to the places we hold so dearly in our hearts we often find the harsh realization that we have grown out of this place. We cannot relive the precious memories for we no longer physically, mentally or emotionally fit them. Memories are best left in the past.
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