Ok so the once a week posting didn't happen but I'm sure that I can keep up once a month... hopefully!
Anyways so I have been building a Dollhouse 1:12 scale. Me and Ebay have a love hate relationship ... I hate how much time I loose looking endlessly for things to fill my tiny house and yet I love to get things in the mail and potentially use them in the house!
This was the beginning stages of building and painting the house.... thats right bright blue baby!
And since I am still waiting for my electrical stuff to show up (which prevents me from laying down the carpeting and wood flooring) I am doing some studies and story boarding for the house.
Now if anyone knows me... they know I SERIOUSLY dislike bugs.... So I flipped when I saw this visitor
Then I finally threw out all my trash :)
October 6, 2010
September 9, 2010
Getting in the groove
Well being a brand new teacher is its own challenge but actually doing my own work has been an entirely different battle.
(plus I'll show you pics of my studio in the next post)
Doing my lesson plans ect is a day to day basis kind of thing but Im learning!
It's nice that the building always has interesting things going on wether it is someone being creative in their studio, being able to peek into classes or see a piece of art work (a destroyed cake) in the middle of the art building being sketched by a class! The people are great!
So now I'm finally in the groove and starting my own work. I am of course taking on another big project. As we go along I will begin to describe to you why I'm doing this but for now... just know it's all about my revisiting my childhood via dollhouses.
So I bought a dollhouse that is in route to my house as I type. Funny enough the name of the house is "Lancaster" which is a road I grew up off of. So when that gets here I will assemble it. I've read it takes about 60 hours to build... lets hope I survive! Anyways that is just the construction of the house. I also get to paint the interior and exterior however I like. Here are a few screen shots of the house though.
I have also gone EBAY CRAZY with all this dollhouse stuff. So here are some pics of a few things I got on ebay to start setting up scenes.
I also bought a doll for my dollhouse. So far just the one lady "with and unusual face"... it's just painted different than most doll faces but I liked it! I think it is the blank stare that I just LOVE. I still have to track down some clothing for her though!
But of course all of this is still on its way in the mail so I am kind of twiddling my thumbs till it gets here!
Anyways after a long stint away from the blog I am BACK! I will be posting at least once a week... maybe smaller ones occasionally as well. You can also catch what I am up to on thegoodeyknot.blogspot.com ... that blog is all about my wedding plans and Nathan and I adventuring into the land of refurbished goods. I am keeping this blog just about Grad school, art and other closely related topics!
If you have any inspiration ideas for me please comment!
(plus I'll show you pics of my studio in the next post)
Doing my lesson plans ect is a day to day basis kind of thing but Im learning!
It's nice that the building always has interesting things going on wether it is someone being creative in their studio, being able to peek into classes or see a piece of art work (a destroyed cake) in the middle of the art building being sketched by a class! The people are great!
So now I'm finally in the groove and starting my own work. I am of course taking on another big project. As we go along I will begin to describe to you why I'm doing this but for now... just know it's all about my revisiting my childhood via dollhouses.
So I bought a dollhouse that is in route to my house as I type. Funny enough the name of the house is "Lancaster" which is a road I grew up off of. So when that gets here I will assemble it. I've read it takes about 60 hours to build... lets hope I survive! Anyways that is just the construction of the house. I also get to paint the interior and exterior however I like. Here are a few screen shots of the house though.
I have also gone EBAY CRAZY with all this dollhouse stuff. So here are some pics of a few things I got on ebay to start setting up scenes.
gotta love the japanese dollhouse stuff!
my dollhouse needs a view camera... duh
Part of my dish set
I am REALLY liking silly things like this that I don't think most people picture being in a dollhouse. I have this spilt paint, rolls of toilet paper, modern food containers, a mouse trap, a cigarette ect. that I think are SO clever!
I also bought a doll for my dollhouse. So far just the one lady "with and unusual face"... it's just painted different than most doll faces but I liked it! I think it is the blank stare that I just LOVE. I still have to track down some clothing for her though!
But of course all of this is still on its way in the mail so I am kind of twiddling my thumbs till it gets here!
Anyways after a long stint away from the blog I am BACK! I will be posting at least once a week... maybe smaller ones occasionally as well. You can also catch what I am up to on thegoodeyknot.blogspot.com ... that blog is all about my wedding plans and Nathan and I adventuring into the land of refurbished goods. I am keeping this blog just about Grad school, art and other closely related topics!
If you have any inspiration ideas for me please comment!
August 3, 2010
Peoples Choice Award - Photography Book Now
Alrighty, so now is the time to show your support!
I entered the Photography Book Now contest a bit ago and now the judges are hard and fast at work going through over 2,000 submissions! In the mean time they open the books up to a public vote. I would love your support by voting for my book "Things I Forgot to Show You" so I may have a chance at winning the "Public Choice Award"!

Please check it out... and do the right thing!
I entered the Photography Book Now contest a bit ago and now the judges are hard and fast at work going through over 2,000 submissions! In the mean time they open the books up to a public vote. I would love your support by voting for my book "Things I Forgot to Show You" so I may have a chance at winning the "Public Choice Award"!
Please check it out... and do the right thing!
July 28, 2010
The new Studio
Thus far the studio in its empty uninhabited state has no name... that shall change in time.
For now though let me show you my new lair.
Upon walking in you are greeted by... nothing. However I should mention a board used for cutting was left behind on the desk... which should come in handy. The big white squares attached to the walls are also great for putting up push pin idea boards!
To the right of the door we have the living area... or so it was. I'm told that many grad students spend so much time in their studios many of them have mini fridges, kitchenette like setups and something to sleep on! Who needs to pay rent right?
I have my own private little dark room with some shelving spaces. Now I just need my own enlarger or light box (i'd prefer a light box). This little dark room has been made light tight by previous tenants and there are also some safety lights ect left behind!
Speaking of goodies left behind...
I was left a huge old TV which I conveniently lugged out to the hall for someone else to pick up! Also some screens for the windows I'm guessing, a box with wires and some chemicals for processing that might be too old to use... I'm not sure they are safe!
However the best left behind gift is the fruit loops box...
Oh and I have a pretty good view which is a nice change from the basements they usually lock us photo kids up into!
On the downside being a grad student/TA gives me the responsibility of carrying 8 more keys for all the different labs ect. So far they have given me six of them. I may need to start carrying two different key chains because this isn't working so well.
I'm not a janitor and who else honestly carries 14 keys?
July 17, 2010
A+ for the F+
As I promised here is a post about my latest work I just submitted to a contest.
These are all done with my wonderful Toy Diana F+ with the Instant back!
Before we get to the goodies though I want to show of the tools!
The wonderful film that has exploded on the american market finally!
Look it even has instructions on it!!!
This is the lovely that spits out jems!
The little round bubble on the right that has yellow in it means the film is loaded... make sure the switch is clicked over to on or it wont work. The little blue bubble on the left lit up shows it is on and how many shots you've taken. By the way the blue rimmed button on the left is what you press after taking the shot inorder to process the film and have it come out on the side.
The film processes out like this. The first one is blank like this as a protection slide. The rest come out white at first as the image slowly appears.
Just a side shot showing the instant back attachment and a front beauty shot.

I like to lay everything out first when going through my images. I knew many of these would get cut quickly but I think comparison is key when having to choose the top five images!
Nathan helped me out choosing images which is always a help because as the photographer I find myself biased!
So here are my beauties... out of 40 slides these are my top 5 that I am seriously proud of.
Please tell me what you think!
Slide Along
Storage Shed
The Back Acre
The Gully
Now the shame in this is that I submitted a great artist statement and didn't save it. Currently I am not happy with how I have tried to recreate it so I bid you adue for now. I will let you know when I have refinished the statement for now I will leave you with this. When we return to the places we hold so dearly in our hearts we often find the harsh realization that we have grown out of this place. We cannot relive the precious memories for we no longer physically, mentally or emotionally fit them. Memories are best left in the past.
July 10, 2010
Alternative Contests
So I've never really been one to enter photo contests even though I promote them! Honestly it's just because I didn't think my work would stand a chance. Much of my work is very abstract and when looking through past winners I see work that is more photojournalistic. So I've avoided entering contests thus far. However two major contests have caught my eye
Photography Book Now
Since I created my photobooks through blurb it is really easy for me to enter and one of my old teachers actually suggested I enter it with my "Things I forgot to show you" series.
The Center for Fine Art Photography's Low Tech contest
I just started taking images with my Diana that I actually REALLY LIKE! I'll post them once I scan them in which will hopefully be monday. I might actually enter this contest twice with the images I worked on in my Alternative Processing class (I will also post these after scanning them in!).
Anyways check these contest out I highly recommend them!
*In other news my posting is limited since I just moved and don't officially get the internet till the 19th :)
Photography Book Now
Since I created my photobooks through blurb it is really easy for me to enter and one of my old teachers actually suggested I enter it with my "Things I forgot to show you" series.
The Center for Fine Art Photography's Low Tech contest
Specimen 5 © Galina Kurlat, Print from Ambrotype
Anyways check these contest out I highly recommend them!
*In other news my posting is limited since I just moved and don't officially get the internet till the 19th :)
June 30, 2010
Spotlight Artist - Hailey Potter
I am constantly inspired by the things around me including my very own friends!
Hailey Potter (aka Boognish or Haydizzle) always has fun little projects she is working on for school and I love seeing how she progresses with them! So here are two of my favorite recent projects she completed!
Hailey Potter (aka Boognish or Haydizzle) always has fun little projects she is working on for school and I love seeing how she progresses with them! So here are two of my favorite recent projects she completed!
"Anonymous Bag Guy" - wire and tissue paper. This creation came from a project where she had to make something that she could wear. She says "I chose my bag guy because he's something i put into a lot of my graffitis and I hadn't done any graffiti projects during the class. He is supposed to symbolize anyone, or anything but at the same time the red splash or outline around him is showing that even though he is no one or anyone he is still there.". This project took her about 35 hours to create. A lot of it was experimenting with different types of glue to hold the tissue and wire together!
This is the original graffiti drawing she pulled the wire from.
This is the original graffiti drawing she pulled the wire from.
So here is the walk around of Hailey's "Anonymous Bag Guy"
Then there is "The Egg Thing". This project was based on lines. Hailey says "the main shape looks like and egg but was originally the Circa logo. After putting the whole thing together it was completely elongated, but thats ok. The second element of the project was the spacers in-between the longer lines which make up the outside shape. With the spacers I wanted the negative space and the positive space to work together almost like a lava lamp effect... the third and last element was what you could do with the middle so I decided to make the middle part as a spiral sticking with the round theme." If you are slightly confused by her project don't worry... I still am! Basically she had to combined three shape elements into one form using lines! I think it is a really interesting and dynamic piece.
Hailey is so fun to talk to about art in general but I definitely love hearing about all her projects and I can't wait to see where she goes with all of this!
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