April 1, 2010

iPhone camera app reviewed - Hipstamatic

I have a handful of iphone camera apps that I will review in due time but this weekend I became a little obsessed with the Hipstamatic on my road trip out to WSU.

(By the way I officially excepted the TA position in the WSU Grad program!  I am excited to start my Masters in Fine Arts in August!)

Ok so the Hipstamatic cost $1.99 but it comes with three lens options, two films and a flash.  You can buy more options which I haven't done yet but I'm sure eventually I will.

Lens: John S
Film: Kodot Verichrome
Flash: Off

Cons: It costs money :P , the images have a kind of cheesy border, you have to go back to a main screen to change any options thus the moment may pass you by but really the big draw back is just the one inch viewfinder that doesn't actually show you the entire picture you are going to capture!

Pros: The three lenses it comes with are very diverse, it makes everything look cooler, it loads fast, its not about adding layers but about letting the camera surprise you, there is a lot of creative freedom and I love always being surprised and entertained by the camera!

Lens: Kaimal Mark II
Film: Kodot Verichrome
Flash: Off

I used this camera all weekend from the road trip out to WSU to a wedding and then back to Seattle!  It was great and I am seriously impressed by some of the images I got.... however I have a question.

Can you really create Fine Art Photography with an iPhone?  Are these iPhone apps like digital toy cameras (for example the Holga or Diana F+) or are they just a point and shoot meant only for amateurs?

Lens: John S
Film: Kodot Verichrome
Flash: Off

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