September 9, 2010

Getting in the groove

Well being a brand new teacher is its own challenge but actually doing my own work has been an entirely different battle.
(plus I'll show you pics of my studio in the next post)

Doing my lesson plans ect is a day to day basis kind of thing but Im learning!

It's nice that the building always has interesting things going on wether it is someone being creative in their studio, being able to peek into classes or see a piece of art work (a destroyed cake) in the middle of the art building being sketched by a class!  The people are great!

So now I'm finally in the groove and starting my own work.  I am of course taking on another big project.  As we go along I will begin to describe to you why I'm doing this but for now... just know it's all about my revisiting my childhood via dollhouses.

So I bought a dollhouse that is in route to my house as I type.  Funny enough the name of the house is "Lancaster" which is a road I grew up off of.  So when that gets here I will assemble it.  I've read it takes about 60 hours to build... lets hope I survive!  Anyways that is just the construction of the house.  I also get to paint the interior and exterior however I like.  Here are a few screen shots of the house though.

I have also gone EBAY CRAZY with all this dollhouse stuff.  So here are some pics of a few things I got on ebay to start setting up scenes.
gotta love the japanese dollhouse stuff!

my dollhouse needs a view camera... duh

Part of my dish set

I am REALLY liking silly things like this that I don't think most people picture being in a dollhouse.  I have this spilt paint, rolls of toilet paper, modern food containers, a mouse trap, a cigarette ect. that I think are SO clever!

I also bought a doll for my dollhouse.  So far just the one lady "with and unusual face"... it's just painted different than most doll faces but I liked it!  I think it is the blank stare that I just LOVE.  I still have to track down some clothing for her though!

But of course all of this is still on its way in the mail so I am kind of twiddling my thumbs till it gets here!

Anyways after a long stint away from the blog I am BACK!  I will be posting at least once a week... maybe smaller ones occasionally as well.  You can also catch what I am up to on ... that blog is all about my wedding plans and Nathan and I adventuring into the land of refurbished goods.  I am keeping this blog just about Grad school, art and other closely related topics!

If you have any inspiration ideas for me please comment!