Hailey Potter (aka Boognish or Haydizzle) always has fun little projects she is working on for school and I love seeing how she progresses with them! So here are two of my favorite recent projects she completed!
"Anonymous Bag Guy" - wire and tissue paper. This creation came from a project where she had to make something that she could wear. She says "I chose my bag guy because he's something i put into a lot of my graffitis and I hadn't done any graffiti projects during the class. He is supposed to symbolize anyone, or anything but at the same time the red splash or outline around him is showing that even though he is no one or anyone he is still there.". This project took her about 35 hours to create. A lot of it was experimenting with different types of glue to hold the tissue and wire together!
This is the original graffiti drawing she pulled the wire from.
This is the original graffiti drawing she pulled the wire from.
So here is the walk around of Hailey's "Anonymous Bag Guy"
Then there is "The Egg Thing". This project was based on lines. Hailey says "the main shape looks like and egg but was originally the Circa logo. After putting the whole thing together it was completely elongated, but thats ok. The second element of the project was the spacers in-between the longer lines which make up the outside shape. With the spacers I wanted the negative space and the positive space to work together almost like a lava lamp effect... the third and last element was what you could do with the middle so I decided to make the middle part as a spiral sticking with the round theme." If you are slightly confused by her project don't worry... I still am! Basically she had to combined three shape elements into one form using lines! I think it is a really interesting and dynamic piece.
Hailey is so fun to talk to about art in general but I definitely love hearing about all her projects and I can't wait to see where she goes with all of this!